Take Back Time: Time Management | Stress Management | Tug Of War With Time

Time Management And Productivity In This Digital Age With Carl Pullein



Time management and productivity is so important for Carl Puillein, and in this episode, he explains why. Carl is a renowned productivity and time management coach who has helped thousands of people around the world get better at managing their time and become more productive using technology they carry around with them every day. He coaches companies and individuals around the world through his Time and Life Mastery and Your Digital Life courses. Today, he joins Penny Zenker teaches us how we can manage our time efficiently in this digital age and shares some strategies and tools that he uses for getting through the day.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Take Back Time community today:TugOfWarWithTime.comTug of War With Time FacebookTug of War With Time TwitterTug of War With Time Pinterest