Rome Review

Rome Review, Episode 004, 12.31.06



Rome Review: English Tongues in the Eternal City. Season 1, Episode 004. Join Charlie Q and his guests for discussions on life in Rome from inside the walls of the Eternal City. This episode features: - Charlie's commentary on wine appreciation, some good wines to appreciate and what you need to know now when traveling with wine to the airport. Charlie Q's Wine List for 2006: - Cusumano Nero D'Avola (Sicily) - Cusumano Syrah (Sicily) - Capello di Prete (Puglia) - Shiraz, Casale di Giglio (Lazio) - A discussion with Zara, a single female traveler who recently came to Rome and who shares with us her adventure in cooking. - Part I of our conversation with Mickey and Casey, two students in Rome. This part of the discussion focuses on what to know for those thinking about coming to study in Rome, meeting Italians, and speaking "Romanacio", the Roman dialect. - Southern Bella tells us about a Christmas holiday unique to Italy, "La Befana". ... Ready to listen? Right click and "save as" on th