The Take Action Podcast With David Adam Kurz

Enterprise Coaching with David Adam Kurz - Hosting Rental Beast Founder Ishay Grinberg



THE REAL ESTATE AGENT IS MORE RELEVANT NOW, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. Welcome to another episode of Enterprise Coaching and the Real Talk Podcast. Today David Adam Kurz hosts the founder of Rental Beast, Ishay Grinberg. A company that overseas promotion of over 8,000,000 of market rentals. Why is the rental market so important? How does it help business grow? Who is renting? What does COVID mean to the rental market. Coach with David Adam Kurz - Join the team - David Adam Kurz, Kurz Enterprise at eXp Realty | Real Talk Con 786-529-5273 David Adam Kurz can help you at Nu World Title - get your deals in Florida closed at the best tables! Reach out to him. Any information about David Adam Kurz can be found at David Kurz as written 2 books ion real estate sales and marketing. He is currently working on his 3rd book titled FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION (subject to change). This book is to take what he learned as a Marine