Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

66: Planning to LOSE WEIGHT in the NEW YEAR? Then plan to Fail.



How many times have you attempted to lose weight and failed? Well, there’s a big chance that you WILL FAIL (again) IF you miss out on including this ONE thing in your weight loss planning and prep. This is essential yet overlooked, underappreciated, and forgotten when it comes to planning for weight loss. As a Christian, I was only focused on the obvious parts like the exercise and eating less part of it all, which is why I failed to notice, or even acknowledge how vital this one thing is! What a blessing it is to share this with you! Will you say yes to doing it God’s way? The countdown to lose weight in the new year begins on 3, 2, 1! Stay equipped in His word, Jaclyn FAITH & FOOD FREEDOM FOUNDATION program: ($97) 1-hour, one on one coaching (NOT group coaching). (*$297, Upgrade option) 6-weeks of coaching to really dig in! *Price increase effective January 2021. This is a faith-led, custom made coaching program for women who are tired of trying the diet thing and doing it the world’s way. EMAIL ME jacl