Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

63: Identifying and Removing the IDOLS of Food, Diets, and Emotional Eating! Weight Loss For Christians Series Part 3



Are you still unsure if food, or diets, or emotional eating is an idol in your life? Personally, I had no clue that food idolatry was a problem I was facing and let me tell you it was taking the place of God and it was holding me back from the bigger plans that He had for me.  In this episode, we go over the one measure you will need to take as a Christian to remove these idols from your life. God has plans for you but if food, diet, and emotional eating is an idol and you find that it is holding you back what should you do? That’s what I walk you through in today’s message. Plug in your earbuds and press play! Keep seeking Him, Jaclyn ************************************************************************************* Have you been hearing God lead you to use my FAITH & FOOD FREEDOM FOUNDATION program to help you with food idolatry, etc.?