Kitty Talks

Three things I wish I'd done earlier - Kitty Waters



“Do the things you love! Don’t waste your energy doing what you don’t enjoy.” ~Kitty WatersHow wonderful a tool is hindsight - it provides perspective and a clear, accurate reflection on what has been. It also offers a better understanding of how one might do things differently next time. Today, Kitty will share with us the three things she wishes she had done differently, and in doing so, she hopes you can learn from her regrets to avoid making the same errors yourself.Listening to Kitty today, you’ll not only learn what it is Kitty feels she has wasted by not following her passion sooner, but you’ll also get a glimpse of how well her dogs have trained her! You’ll also learn:• What Kitty’s limiting beliefs were that held her back from taking the leap, and how these thoughts caused her to dabble rather than wholeheartedly embrace her passion.• How the universe intervened and redirected her, and the firm decision she made to follow her true path.• What it was that prevented Kitty asking for the help and s