Kitty Talks

How to Have a Difficult Conversation - David Wood



“It’s the tough conversations we haven’t had that form the boundaries of our world.” ~ David WoodIf you’re getting a sense of déjà vu seeing David’s name as our next guests, you are not mistaken that you’ve seen it before. As our first ever repeat guest, we have brought David Wood back to the show because what he has to teach us is so valuable, in all aspects of life. From personal to business, reinforcing his messages will be beneficial to all!For those that missed the first interview, a quick recap: David is a motivational speaker, he runs a successful coaching business with clients ranging from high profile CEOs to prison inmates. His mission is to get people to play their ‘best game’ and increase their levels of, ‘daring, caring and sharing’. In addition to what you may have taken away from his previous interview, today you will learn:• Why we avoid difficult conversations, and the immense benefits of overcoming this hurdle, even if the conversation does not bring desired results.• The negative effects th