Kitty Talks

The Great Awakening Part 2 - Aloise Surfleet-Middleton



“Stay in a high vibration and make this world amazing!”~AloiseDuring theses times of coronavirus and lockdown you may not be aware that it all goes hand in hand with the shift in consciousness that is happening all around us! Welcome to Part 2 of The Great Awakening with Aloise. If you’ve yet to listen to Part 1 or you just need to refresh your memory, please go re-listen so that we are all up-to-date before tuning in...Now that we’re all on the same page, be prepared to hear some shocking facts that expose the few who own and control the masses. From the Vatican to USA, from Bank of England to politicians and filmmakers - all will be revealed in this solocast! You’ll not only hear jaw dropping revelations, but you’ll also learn:• What sent Aloise down the rabbit hole of truth and the incredible discoveries she has made.• When she learned that nothing is as it seems and that we are being brainwashed by the media to live a life of fear through lack of knowledge.• What the very rich are controlling, and how the