Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Sharon Harris -Founder & Exec. Director Lupus



As Collections by Michelle Brown – Blog Radio enters its 4th year we are taking time to reconnect with old friends who have shared the gift of telling their stories with us by rebroadcasting some of our favorite past interviews that celebrate the strength, inspiration, courage and love of our human spirit. Sharon Harris is a community jewel, a queen, a friend, and a LUPUS Warrior. Back when we first met in 2017 when this interview was recorded, we had never met, and my knowledge about LUPUS was limited.  A month after graduating from Florida A & M University, she was diagnosed with lupus.  When her lupus went into remission she became a flight attendant. Her reasoning was if lupus was going to attack her, it would have to find her on the beaches of Aruba or high above the Eiffel tower. I late 2008 Sharon experienced a lupus flare so great that her doctor told her there was nothing left that he could do. She moved back to her native Detroit.  Following a career with the Lupus Alliance of America Michiga