Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 101, Listener Q+A



You wrote in and asked me some amazing questions! I answered them LIVE on the podcast AND announced the lucky winners from my 100th episode celebration!Tune in and hear me answer:'How did you know you wanted to stop drinking completely? How did it go from cutting back, feeling emotions and urges and making intentional drinking and eating plans to deciding to not drink at all.''My problem is on the nights that I do drink I tend to want one more glass then I probably shouldn’t be having. How do you stop in the middle of a drinking episode and go “ I am done?''Is your method good for people who don't want to give up alcohol all together -  or can we still have a couple of fundays here and there?' P.S.✳️ IT IS OFFICIALLY YOUR LAST CHANCE TO JOIN ME THIS YEAR FOR COACHING.✳️I am closing down my 6-month Stop Over-drinking and Start Living program and you won't be able to get in until next year and prices are going UP.SO.. there has never been a better time to get in here and get the support you need to make permane