Russ Rantz

Episode 32: Fat or Frail, For My Birthday (Hallmark Edition, JK)



Well happy birthday to me! Not to toot my own horn....but I made it to 29; that's nice I guess. In all seriousness I had hesitations about recording this episode because of how uncomfortable I felt CALLING MYSELF OUT.  No really,  I decided that it'd be a good idea to lay bare one of my most glaring problems (taking care of myself emotionally) and have a recorded confession and commitment to improve in my next year of life.  As we go through this episode you'll see me literally self-realize how balance HAS TO happen in life regarding being a giver, and a self-caretaker, in order to ultimately win and make a difference. That's mind-blowing for me; even if you don't think so.  Thanks to all who've been along for this podcasting ride so far. It's been a blast, and I'm very grateful for you.  To the next step.