Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 110: Trent Hawthorne Founder of Standup Pro and COO of Rabbu



  Trent Hawthorne, COO at Rabbu, joins us on the podcast today. Trent is a Charlotte native, and he thinks of himself as a builder, who always wanted to be an entrepreneur.  Early in his career he worked for Kyck because he knew he wanted to start his own startup one day and was looking to learn while doing it with another company.  Kyck's founder, Mac Lackey, has mentored many local entrepreneurs over the years and several startups have since spun out of Kyck (including the Rabbu who was on the podcast several years ago - click here to listen). While with Kyck, Trent relocated to London in 2013 and eventually met his wife while over there.  They moved back to the US in 2015 and Trent shared his stories of successes and struggles while at Kyck.  After Kyck, he worked for Palmetto Solar out of Charleston. Here he started working on his own business idea that he had originally started doing at Kyck - StandupPro was born during this time.  Standup Pro is a software product that empowers you to run a 15-minute