Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

21. Frost Fassett - 365 Days. 365 Communities. 365 Conversations.



“If you want to live a full life, you’ve got to throw your routine out the window sometimes and just be willing to take a ride on what the universe has to offer you.” This episode’s guest uses Facebook for a very different reason than most. Instead of getting lost in the timeline, Frost Fassett scrolled through the 100 plus events in his local area to pinpoint ONE to attend. Then he did this EVERY SINGLE DAY for an entire year. That’s 365 events in 365 different communities so he could have ONE profound conversation and learn something new every single day in 2017. His DICE (Daily Inspiring Community Events) Project took him across America and overseas and gave him a unique insight into people and communities from all walks of life. It’s totally fascinating and something we discuss at length in this episode. “Community events are the social fabric of America. If we can have more community events we can have more real-world, face-to-face conversation with people shaking hands