Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

30. Jon Berghoff - Intentional. Mindful. Successful.



“Maybe in life the real risk is not taking risks.” If you’re up for a deep, intellectual conversation that gets you thinking, then you’re in for a real treat with this episode. That’s because I’m speaking with the incredible Jon Berghoff. Raised in the birthplace of Apple, Jon is a father of three and the co-founder and president of the Flourishing Leadership Institute. Jon is one of the most curious people I’ve ever met. His super smart, analytical brain is dialled into the benefit of human systems. His mind is always on because he’s constantly looking to be better. I learned so much from this episode and I’m sure you will too. Passionate about unified mindfulness (which Jon talks about in detail during this episode), Jon is fascinated with unlocking human systems to empower others to be the best they can possibly be. It’s why topics such as concentration, presence, and curiosity feature strongly - because they are keys that can unlock life. “We end up choosing work that unknowi