Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

43. Jenn Edden - Quit Sugar, Love Your Life



“An addiction is something that’s covering up something else.”Jenn Edden has been helping people quit their sugar addiction for over 14 years. As you’ll hear in this episode, this is Jenn’s calling and she’s hugely passionate about the work she does.Jenn captivated me because you don’t often hear sugar and addiction in the same sentence. But when you learn that sugar lights up the same part of the brain as cocaine, you realize how serious this addiction can be. I guess that’s what’s most scary. How many times were you given a lollipop when you were hurt or sick as a child?Jenn is the real deal. Raised in an addictive family, Jenn admits she’s seen a lot. It’s one of the things that makes her such an authority on this subject. She knows her stuff and she’s going to get you to view sugar in a whole new way.Especially if you have kids...“First answer, right answer.”As a mom of three, it’s fascinating to learn how Jenn has drawn from her own experiences and teachings to raise kids who have high self-esteem and st