Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

55. Jen Hansard - Breaking Your Own Limits



“Even if I don’t think I can do something, just take that next step and go for it. It’s amazing what you can do even when you don’t even know it’s possible.”I'm really excited for this week's guest.Jen Hansard is the founder of Simple Green Smoothies, a business that she started out of a need and strong desire to keep her family healthy. This simple remedy has created a health movement that inspires millions of people (and counting) all over the world. But that’s not even the highlight of Jen’s journey.In addition to her business success, Jen is a mother, a best selling author, a wellness advocate, pilot in training and the perfect example of what it means to both, have it all and handle it all.She is proof that anything is possible.That you don’t have to settle and that the only limits in your life are the ones you decide to keep over yourself.We talk today about her love of life, our different life hacks, how she leans into the fear, embraces discomfort, and the power she wields by saying “yes!” to thi