Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

103. Finnian Kelly: How To Create Financial Happiness And Live A Life You Love



“Money isn’t good or bad. It’s our relationship with money that is good or bad.” We say that money can’t buy happiness, but at the same time we believe money holds the solution to all kinds of problems and situations. It’s why we chase money, use finances as a measure of success, and tell ourselves life will be better when our bank balance increases. But is this the route to happiness, abundance, and freedom? Fact is, there are plenty of miserable millionaires! Money in itself will not make you happy. More important than your net worth is the quality of your relationship with your finances. In this episode, entrepreneur, and the leading expert on intentional living and financial happiness - Finnian Kelly - explains how you can raise your money consciousness to live a more authentic life. This episode is essential listening if you’re ready to discover how to better use your money and feel happy now. “Our happiness depends on whether we are living a life aligned with our purpose and val