Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

104. Miki Agrawal: How To Be Yourself and Disrupt The World



“There has been very little innovation in certain categories for a long time. If there is little innovation then there is huge opportunity to disrupt, to make better, to innovate, to level up.” How many times have you held your tongue, accepted the status quo, and fallen into line?  It’s not your fault. Society wants us to conform. Society wants us to keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. But some people can’t live this way. Some people aren’t prepared to sit down, shut up, and do the things expected of them.  These people are the disruptors - and their creativity, curiosity, and persistence to ask WHY holds the potential to overhaul industries. And in doing so, they not only elevate the human experience, but they can help save the planet too.   Miki Agrawal is one such disruptor.  Miki is a serial social entrepreneur who was named “Fast Company’s Most Creative People” in 2018, “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum, and INC’s “Most Im