Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

121. Bryan Meehan: From Climate Change To Scaling Blue Bottle Coffee. The Wide-Reaching Problems That Caring Helps Solve



“Care is just a conscious decision that we all have to make.” Bryan Meehan is the CEO of Blue Bottle Coffee - a sustainable, environmentally conscious company that’s transforming coffee experiences across North America and Asia. As well as achieving huge success as an entrepreneur, what impresses me about Bryan is his ability to devote so much time and attention to his wife and children. A true family man, Bryan is proof that you don’t have to sacrifice relationships for work. Instead, you can create extraordinary success in both. I discovered one of the reasons Bryan has created harmonious balance in his life is his commitment to caring. The level of care he shows to everything from his colleagues to the environment is inspiring. But dive into his backstory, and you understand why. Raised in a very poor Irish family, both Bryan’s parents experienced tough childhoods. They wanted more for Bryan, and while they didn’t have money, they did have an endless ability to care. This legacy infuses thro