Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

122. Panache Desai: How To Finally Realize That You Are Enough



“Crisis is something that we create for ourselves in order to return to authenticity.” I believe this is the most important episode of Stay Grounded I’ve ever recorded. We’re living in unprecedented times and a new world is unfolding with each new day. Every single one of us are facing new choices and challenges as we adjust to the far-reaching impact of this global pandemic. Now more than ever it’s important to stay grounded in the things we love and the moments that matter. It’s true that the things, which brought us certainty in the past have been turned upside down. But maybe this crisis offers us a chance to unlock a new sense of meaning. Maybe this crisis will empower us to turn our attention to our inner world so we can find lasting peace and finally realize that we are enough. This is Panache Desai’s empowering perspective on crisis. He believes crisis is something we create for ourselves so we can return to authenticity - and in this beautiful episode, Panache explores how we can walk the p