Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

124. Thanh Pham: How To Optimize Your Happiness & Productivity When Working from Home.



“We are going through some chaotic times right now, but there is opportunity - as long as we're willing to recognise it and also capitalize on it.” Globally this situation sucks. We’re experiencing massive changes across all areas of our lives. You can’t downplay or under-estimate the wave of destruction that’s currently making its way across the globe, but you can choose to dive into the fresh opportunities that are bubbling up. Take working from home. With shelter-in-place recommendations popping up everywhere, people are being forced to work and live in alien ways. But with the right strategies and mindsets, you can choose to create more happiness and productivity out of this crazy situation. And in this well-timed episode, Thanh Pham is here to reveal exactly how you can do that.“A lot of things get done faster when you have the right relationships. If you know the right people then you can get access to resources, tools, and outcomes you’re looking for.” Thanh Pham is the founder of A