Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

132. Susie Moore: One Minute To Confidence, Courage, and Stopping The Need For Approval From Others



“Confidence is simple. It’s not loud, it’s not anything that can be defined by a particular skill or personality type. It’s simply this: the willingness to experience negative emotion.” How much of your vision for life is impacted by what others say or think about you? How often do you hold yourself back or talk yourself out of taking action because your confidence lets you down? Who could you be, what could you have, and where would you go if you could create approval from within and create a story that showered you with positivity, freedom, and relentless joy? This episode’s guest is the incredible Susie Moore - and she dances in this creative, curious space every day! Susie believes that joyful, loving, connected people are POWERFUL. It’s why she says that her only obligation is to have a joyful life - and in doing so, she serves as an example to others of what a joyful life looks and feels like. If you’re ready to be more confident [and feel more joyful in the process], this episode is