Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

156. Tully O’Connor: Reclaiming Your Power With The Gift Of Presence



“Presence is the ability to be with what is.” What happens when you sit in the silence and take quality time to be with yourself? Are you able to be present with everything that is? Or do you get distracted easily and struggle to hold all your emotions? Most of us weren’t raised to be emotionally intelligent beings. Instead, we were programmed to shut off and push down the harder, ‘socially unacceptable’ feelings. Unfortunately, this strategy doesn’t work. Our challenge is that the body doesn’t forget. Any emotions that you resist get stuck inside of you instead of flowing through you. In turn, suffering and pain begin to build-up, making it harder to feel a sense of peace and safety within. The good news is you can reverse this programming. With the help of embodiment practices, you can reclaim and rekindle your personal power by embracing the gift of presence. Tully O’Connor is here to help you navigate that beautiful journey with more grace and ease. “So much suffering in life