Lisa Berry

The 5 Silent Killers With NO Symptoms That Could Be Ruining Your Bliss



The 5 Silent Killers With NO Symptoms That Could Be Ruining Your Bliss Some diseases can really creep up on you. The scariest of which have no symptoms to warn you of potential trouble before its too late. Yes, certain serious and even life-threatening conditions can be overlooked if you are not taking active charge of your health with regular medical checkups and screenings.Natural health expert, Dr. Christine Horner, MD, author of Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty says ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your personal health, but early detection affords you the unique opportunity to self-correct the potential problem without a huge expense and could quite literally save your life.Dr. Horner shares the five silent killers that have no symptoms and what you can do to protect yourself from these potentially life-threatening health conditions. All prevention tips discussed can be found in her award-winning book, Radiant Health, Ageless Beauty.Dr. Christine Horner, MD, is an award-winning author and leading exp