Pak-cord: A Pakistani Podcast

#42 - "PAGAL" : Desis and Depression



Today we shed more light on a highly important and underrated topic in the desi community: depression and mental illness. Our guest: 32 year old Israa Nasir from New York City. Israa has worked directly with patients in a mental health clinic, and now works within health tech to make an impact in the world of healthcare.  Timeline of Discussion:0:49 - Introduction7:43 - Israa discusses her mental health background10:39 - Israa talks about the mental health clinic where she worked, and adds a desi context.17:04 - Israa discusses some common barriers or reasons why there is reluctance in the desi community to seek help for mental illnesses.19:46 - Does 'imaan' or faith have to do with mental illness?24:42 - Common desi misconceptions of mental illness33:50 - How does speaking to a counselor actually help with mental illness?36:52 - Israa's final note about depression & mental illness and what to do if you or your family member may be affected