Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG253 Comedian/Artists Lorelei Ramirez and Felipe Di Poi talk about evolving work during the pandemic.



I wandered into one of my favorite Brooklyn places, The Brick Theater and they were having a great art exhibition by some of their most hilarious, creative performers who also make art. The artists are - Fareeha Khan, Felipe Di Poi, Lorelei Ramirez, Marissa Goldman, Tawanda Gona, Tim Platt, Whitley Watson I knew Lorelei Ramirez a bit and always loved her work so I asked her and an animator, Felipe Di Poi, who's work I loved as well, to talk about how visual art has been a good outlet for them during these trying times. I'd like to share a "before times" session I did with the Bricks artistic director, Theresa Buckheister as well. As I always maintain, artists are like cockroaches, they will remain through everything—so here's some proof of that.