Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Accidental Discovery of New Spirit Communication Method



Afterlife TV: A doctor at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Chicago accidentally discovers a new method of communicating with spirits while experimenting with a trauma treatment known as EMDR. His story is fascinating and has resulted in a proven treatment for treating deep grief related to traumatic death, in his case that of soldiers who were often healed in a single treatment. This story encouraged me to create my own hypnotic induction, which I was testing on family members and friends prior to the pandemic with incredible results. While, sadly, the Covid situation put a pause on my work, my own test results were amazing and everyone I induced connected with loved ones or angelic beings on the other side. I’ll tell that story in a separate episode, but it all started with this interview that inspired me to experiment on my own. This is an interview taken from the vault. There’s a minor background noise that is either caused by Skype or my guest’s air conditioner or fan. However, the content of this