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Callaway Election Tactics Legal, Really Bad For Atlantic City Residents



Dude is bad news. Need to win an election in AC and/or South Jersey? Better call Craig Callaway. Make sure to place your order early, and stroke a big check for Craig. He's the man that magically delivers thousand of votes... that all lean the same way. No matter how good or bad of a candidate you are. Craig Callaway: ex-con who legally exploits current election law in Atlantic City and South Jersey. He's really good at it, too. Puts big bucks into his pockets....and shitty politicians into office. Listen to clips from WPG Radio, Harry Hurley & Craig Callaway: Click to listen. Craig Callaway: the man who brought you AC Mayor Frank Gilliam. Yup. The same Frank Gilliam recently forced from office and facing jail time for stealing money from a youth sports league. Callaway on Gilliam: “I regret that I didn’t do more homework on Frank Gilliam.” Craig Callaway is a poor judge of character. HASSAN CALLAWAY was good choice for Pleasantville school board? He missed half the meetings. Cra