Start Me Up With Kimberley A. Johnson

Fred Guttenberg



My guest today is Fred Gutenberg. He's an activist against gun violence, and his 14 year old daughter, Jaime, was killed in the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14, 2018. He just released the book Find The Helpers. We talk about that, and how Joe Biden was there for Fred in the days after his daughter's murder. Fred has turned an unthinkable tragedy into a positive movement and he continues to fight for common-sense gun laws. He also serves as a calm, steady voice in tumultuous times. He's really a great man and I'm honored he graced us with his presence. I mention in the intro that after Fred and I finished the interview, I kind of lost it and got very emotional. I decided to keep it in the show. Be warned, there's a little bit of ugly crying.