Knox United Church. Nokomis United Church.

Breathed by God: Reading the Torah in our time



We trust that all Scripture is breathed by God, and so we look to the Scriptures for teaching, testing, correction, and training in justice. The first in our five week series on reading the Bible, this week we wrestle with the story of the Exodus as we seek to read the Bible in our time and learn about the Torah. Our sermon this week is by Mitchell Anderson our student minister. The scripture lesson we engaged with is Exodus 15:1-21. Each week we are also learning from United Church teaching on Scripture. This week's principles are “God calls us to engage the Bible to experience the liberating and transforming Word of God" from The Authority and Interpretation of Scripture and “Scripture is our song for the journey, the living word passed on from generation to generation to guide and inspire, that we might wrestle a holy revelation for our time and place from the human experiences and cultural assumptions of another era. God calls us to be doers of the word and not hearers only" from A Song of