Whats Your Story?

Episode 139: Eric Roberge, CFP



If you've listened to the podcast for a while, you may know that one of my areas of interest besides fitness lies in personal finances. One thing that fascinates me is how similar many aspects of good health and orderly personal finances are. Today I got to pick the brain of Eric Roberge, a Certified Financial Planner from Boston about this similarity, as well as other topics like what it means to have a solid financial foundation, practicing temperance, and more. There is a pretty fun story mentioned about how I came across Eric's podcast! Also discussed- why you DON'T want to win the lottery, "imperfect action is better than perfect inaction." Timestamps: 1:44- How fitness and finance are related. 11:53- Paying yourself first, prioritizing. 21:44- Optimization and efficiency. 28:09- Investing in yourself. 34:24- Developing habits and long-term thinking. 47:47- How to balance saving, investing, and paying off debt. Eric's Podcast: Beyond Finances Eric's Website: https://beyondyourhammock.com/ ---