

If you’re really serious about contracting and want to build a top brand there’s a good chance we help you, go to to schedule a private one-on-one call with Randall. You should know, this is not a sales call. We are serious about helping you build your construction business and this call is simply to determine if we can actually help you.Everyone knows getting referrals from your clients is very powerful and even if you’re bidding against a competitor when you come in with a referral, you have a leg up on anyone else. Snd, typically there are no other bidders.Why?The prospective client has borrowed the trust of the client who referred you, making you the contractor they want. So today we’re sharing the process of getting referrals more routinely, when to ask for referrals and setting up a referral process.Construction Business Links:Get A Free Behind The Scenes Demo Of The Scientific Remodeling SystemThe Construction Professionals ForumShow Lin