Gmi - Guitar And Music Institute Guitar Podcasts

Episode 44 – Musicians & Live Streaming With Andi Lippi



As the pandemic continues to prevent most musicians from performing is live streaming a possible alternative for you? Live streaming expert Andi Lippi, possibly the most outwardly positive man on the planet right now, explains why and how you can reach a huge new audience   Ged Brockie has undertaken several podcast interviews with musicians who are dealing with the effects of a global pandemic and shutdown. In this episode, Ged talks to live steaming guru Andi Lippi. Andi provides a large range of hints, tips and guides for anyone interested in live streaming.  As Andi is also interested in music, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to discuss with him the technology, ideas and knowledge needed for musicians to operate effectively within the burgeoning live streaming platforms now spreading their tentacles across the globe. Find out more about Andi with a selection of videos from his Youtube channel and various online links. Andi is a prolific Youtube video creator and works with others in th