

Think your trusty cell phone will be there for you when a disaster strikes your town? Think again... During the 9/11 attacks and Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy (just to name a few), communications failed because land-lines and cell phone services were jammed or knocked out of commission. And when you're faced with a crisis, having the ability to communicate with your loved ones, your survival team, or to call for help could mean the difference between life and death. That's why, in this week's broadcast, survival expert, David Pruett, gives you the run-down on how to set up your "survival communications" plan now... before tragedy strikes! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Establishing your "survival intelligence network" to stay on top of area operations, available resources, and danger headed your way! The best "shelter-in-place" commo equipment for keeping track of your entire local survival team and communicating with family! How to maintain constant contact when "bugging out" with your