

Criminals are a lot smarter than most people give them credit for. They know that the best way to achieve their goal of victimizing you is to catch you when you're off guard: sitting in your car... bending down tying  your shoe... or ambush you "knockout game" style to put you flat on your back. When everything goes wrong and you don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting to your weapon and getting that nice, stable Weaver stance with a perfect sight picture... what will you do? How will you fire if you're on your back... sitting behind the wheel... or flat on your face? In this week's broadcast, police officer and expert firearms trainer, Tim Blakely, reveals the worst-case scenarios you could find yourself fighting from... and his best tips for winning the gunfight! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... Why "kneeling" may not be the worst scenario you can get into... and can even give you 180 degree "quick coverage" if you know how to fight from this position! Flat on your face! When y