

Like weapons? Yeah, me too... in fact I've made it one of my "tactical commandments" to NEVER be unarmed no matter where I go. That's easy enough around the house, in my car, or in most public locations where I can carry my Glock 19. But what about those places you're not able to "carry" (like on a plane)... or what if you can't get to your primary weapon because you were ambushed? That's why you need "back-ups"! And one of my favorites is the "tactical pen" - legal... covert... and effective! But like any weapon, it's only as powerful as the one who wields it, right? So as a special bonus this week, check out this workshop we ran to show you how to choose... carry... and fight with a tactical pen! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... What separates the true "tactical powerhouse pen" vs. the whimpy Bic wannabe! Why those fancy shmancy "bonus features" many pens add on could actually be a big giant waste of money! Covert carry!  How to hide your pen so it remains out of sight... but instantly