

Well, we're finally here! After 4 weeks of talking about the best home defense firearms and tactics, it's time for me to reveal the exact weapon I personally rely on as my go-to "thug buster" to defend myself and my family in the case of a violent home invasion. Can you guess yet what it is yet? (No, it's not a machete!) Actually, my specific choice is one degree off from the firearm platform I'm about to talk about in this week's podcast episode, but first I have to lay a little bit of groundwork for why this platform is so superior (in my humble opinion) to other weapons for home defense. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Answering the "capacity vs. accuracy" question... and how this is the ONLY weapon group that comes out on top after the smoke clears! Real-world stopping power proof! (It's about more than just "big bullets"!) Busting the "over-penetration" myth!  (And I'm talking WIDE open!) A "different" version of this firearm that's even BETTER suited for living room combat! (Y