

Ever been hungry? No, I mean like "3 days of zero food in your belly" hungry... People who have no access to food will resort to doing anything just to eat a few scraps of garbage. Want proof? When Hurricane Sandy hit NYC a few years back, a buddy of mine stuck in the city (and the news media) said it only took 2 days before average, everyday folks were diving into dumpsters looking for anything they could find to feed their family. When the grocery stores are empty and the masses are on edge, finding food (without getting killed in the process) is going to be a major undertaking - especially in the cities! So, in this week's podcast episode (the 3rd in our 4-part "urban survival training series"), I'll share with you several ways to feed yourself and your family using resources from devastated urban environments during a crisis. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: A "secret survival garden" option that requires no space... no outdoor sunlight... no training... and no magic "green thumb! A