Theberrycast By Adam Berry

Protect Yourself on Social Media with Terry Anderson



This week's episode of The Fitness Solution is with a dear friend of mine called Terry Anderson.  Terry has gone from Zero followers on TikTok to 70k in about 6 months. This isn't an episode all about how to grow a following, quite the opposite in fact.  Terry has seen some shocking stuff on TikTok and he works really hard to call the bad stuff when he sees it.  As we all should.   It's very important when on these platforms to make sure you are following the people who can be trusted and are giving out real proper advice.  Please research who the people are before you blindly do what they say.   And remember a lot of people on Social Media are there to get you to buy something, even though they don't use it themselves or have any qualifications in what they are selling.  It's a dog eat dog world.  If you would like to follow Terry Anderson then head over here: