Whats Your Story?

Episode 129: Alex with The Productive You



My friend Alex is a productivity nut like me and it was an honor to have him on the show again, we had a fun time talking as always! Alex and I talked about our personal strategies around productivity, fighting The Resistance, and about taking energizing breaks because your brain needs the rest. Alex even mentions multiple studies and research backed concepts to back it all up! Alex’s website where he frequently posts productivity information & tips: https://www.theproductiveyou.com/ Timestamps: 1:16- Alex’s biggest derailment to productivity and the biggest productivity booster, breaks! What you’re doing when you’re NOT being productive is important too. (And a diet analogy) 21:47- The scientifically proven "best way" vs. the anecdote. Best ways to take breaks. 28:49- Happiness requires two things, and “working hard.” 34:58- How routines and habits increase productivity, wrapping up. Mentioned: https://ryanholiday.net/ https://gettingthingsdone.com/ (David Allen) --- Support this podcast