Luscious Leadership ~ With Danna Lewis

Harvest Series- The Bounty of Upleveling Your Life ~ Danna Lewis



Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis Radio Show Have you chosen personal growth work to ‘fix’ something or even to change what you (or others) have concluded is wrong with you? What if the exploration of your life, of who you are and creating what you desire feeds from the consciousness of whole-life wellbeing and the strongness of you? Join Danna for a conversation about the benefits of upleveling your life through deep soul work, energetic and emotional intelligence, and the pragmatics of priority aligned personal leadership.   "Would you like to be a part of the book journey and publishing? Get all the info here." ~ More About Luscious Leadership with Danna Lewis ~ Are you feeling fantastic or frustrated with your days? Are you living your life based on other people’s paths, projections or expectations? What if instead of showing up with a rebellion, resistance, reaction or ‘whatever’ attitude you could lead yourself lusciously with deeper presence, strategic awareness