Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Manipulation – Enchanting the World Guest Blossom Benedict



Would you like to enchant the world to bend to your desires?  Manipulation is such an ugly word as we define it today.  It means to get what you want at the expense of others.  But go back to an older dictionary before the word was contorted and redefined, and manipulation meant “to skillfully or artfully manage.” What if being good at manipulating was actually an incredibly valuable skill?  What if there were ways to go about it where people were empowered and not hurt?  What if manipulation, combined with awareness, was an incredibly potent capacity? In the last few years, Blossom discovered that skillful manipulation leaves people feeling better for having been in your presence.  It is neither fake nor put on.  It does not exclude being genuine.  It is simply having an awareness of what your actions and words will create, and choosing them with skill and care.  And boy is it fun! If you are not intentionally choosing your words, your timing and your actions, how much energy are you wasting? Has your unwill