Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

The Magic of Relating to Others With Ease ~ Guest Kass Thomas



Create better Relationships, More Money & Greater Business Opportunities! Relating to people is not a formula, it is not a fixed set of steps, it is a collaboration, a co-creation with the universe. What would it be like if you could feel comfortable in any situation and recognized what a gift you are when you are willing to have the ease of communication?  The truth is you have lots to choose from, it is simply a question of recognizing the many options you have in any situation and knowing what would be the most rewarding for you, for the other person and for everyone involved. Kass Thomas is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness.  She travels the world teaching classes and workshops.  She is a walking, talking demonstration of how to communicate with ease - with yourself, with others, with your body, your business and the world at large. ~