Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Can You be Kind and Bold Simultaneously? Guest, Katherine McIntosh



Imperfect Brilliance! with Betsy McLoughlin & Kathy Williams Radio Show Can you be Kind and Bold Simultaneously? What if being creative was not about force, push, or worry? What if there was a way to create that created more for everyone? If you are tired of worrying about money and constantly feel like you are pushing your creations, your business, or you in a way that is depleting you, exhausting your adrenals, and causing you to go into fight or flight, then come join the conversation for a new way of looking at your creations. Discover what it's like to create from the space of being...without judgment, without force, and without need! Sound too good to be true? Then you definitely won't want to miss this one! Join Kathy & Betsy with their guest Katherine McIntosh for a conversation to create more for your life! Katherine McIntosh is an International Intuitive Consultant, Speaker, and Best-Selling Author and Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness. Katherine has coached women and men all over the