Tomorrow With Joshua Topolsky

Episode 54: Tough Love with Paul Miller



It's the year 2019... Josh: Can you play Tomorrow, episode 54? It's one of my favorites. A jam session with our old pal Paul Miller! Bot: Did you mean "Bowl Fillers"? Josh: No, bot! I said we did a podcast with a former editor from The Verge, who's now one of the top commanders in the Pennsylvania Freemen Army. We discussed some old Google news, bots (like you), the value of what we used to think of as "the government," and more! Bot: Googling new True Value stores near the government that sell doors. Josh: I can't believe we still haven't figured out bots or voice recognition in 2019... even after President Trump created those information worker reassignment camps. How about you just queue up that episode for me? It's a real classic! Bot: Did you mean "Resident Bump's twerker stamps"? I'm searching for that now. Josh: Bot, I hate you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit