Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang- Happy Friday! On August 11, 2020 FrontPage Magazine published my latest article: 'Sanctuary' NYC Creates Its Own 'Border Patrol' - Once again, leftist hypocrisy rears its ugly head. New York's Mayor de Blasio is using city sherrifs as a sort of Border Patrol while pushing sanctuarly policies that are in direct conflict with commonsense and the findings of the 9/11 Commission. Meanwhile Kamala “Chameleon” Harris, the newly anointed Democrat VP candidate has called for decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States and universal free health care for all- including illegal aliens. While it is never treated as the most critical issue for America and Americans, the immigration crisis profoundly impacts nearly every threat and challenge that confronts America and Americans. We will consider just how big a deal immigration is and how the mainstream media and globalist from both parties have conned Americans for decades. While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious iss