Creating Magical Relationships With Bert & Nelly

Conflict in Relationship ~ Bert & Nelly



Creating Magical Relationships Radio Show When you say that men or women are the opposite sex you will find a way to be in opposition to them. Men and women are different, not right or wrong, powerful or weak, just different. You will create an opposition automatically and is that in your best interests if you really want to create a relationship? How about they are the other sex, as the other sex, they can contribute to your life. Many people think they are choosing for themselves when they are actually choosing against someone else. Are you making choices in your relationship based upon objecting, rejecting, refusing, denying or fighting someone else`s point of view. Who are you fighting? That would be you. You choose against yourself because you are not really choosing. You have determined you will fight everyone for everything so that you can have you. But fighting is not the way to have you. If you fight everyone, that everyone includes you. Fighting for your points of view (POV) of what it ought to be i