Whats Your Story?

Episode 127: Random Show- Workout Programs, Habits, Social Media, Depression/Anxiety, Fasting



Quote referenced at the end of the show: "Slay that dragon once, and he will never have power over you again. Yeah, he’ll still be there. Yeah, you’ll still have to duel him every morning. And yeah, he’ll still fight just as hard and use just as many nasty tricks as he ever did. But you will have beaten him once, and you’ll know you can beat him again." -Steven Pressfield (from his book "Do the Work") I feel very strongly that we are more capable than we believe we are. Getting into daily action and doing hard shit you don't want to do but you know is good for you will make you strong willed and more disciplined, subsequently getting you closer to your goals and the person you want to be. Here's a more in depth run down of the topics on this Random Show: 3 Things Good Workout Programs Have in Common, Habits I Never Compromise On, The Real Cost of Social Media, Anti-Depressents and Holistic Approaches to Calming Depression/Anxiety, Fasting Protocol and Why I Fast. Previous podcasts of mine that are relevant to