Growing Up Conscious ~ Cathleen Connor

The Potency of Being an Introvert! ~ Guest Annie Gelfand



Annie has been coaching individuals and teams to make radical change since 1997 and has been in business for over 30 years. She did hercoaching certification through the Coaches Training Institute, is a Master Certified Coach accredited by the International Coach Federation, the highest credential of which there are fewer than 7% worldwide. She has a very weird and colorful background, which includes a 15- year corporate career in strategic marketing in consumer goods and health care fields, a Master of Business Administration Degree and … 7 years living on the mountains in the Himalayas of India studying meditation, yoga, ayurvedic medicine and vedant philosophy. She is also a Certified Facilitator for Access Consciousness. She calls herself “The Adventure Guide to Irresistible Self Discovery” because she believes life should be fun and full of adventure. Radical Wisdom is about willingness to trust you, to be you and nothing but you, no matter what. Being yourself is a radical act – it takes great courage t