
009 – Part of the Problem (Part of the Solution)



This episode talks about some potentially triggering subject matter. We are constantly asked why there are so few women in magic. The answer is complex and nuanced because it is made up of many different reasons. These are many little things that are keeping women away from magic and many people are likely unaware. In an effort to draw attention to these little things we have posted the hashtag “part of the problem”. One example that has received some attention is the ongoing popularity of sexual explicit images of women used in a recent sting of “porn memes” that has popped up on a comedy forum for magicians. We are proud to be a part of magic right now, when so many are so interested in the support of women in magic and a move towards greater gender equality. If you see something you believe is contributing to the lack of women in the art of magic please use the #partoftheproblem to draw attention to the issue without judgment or disrespect. Most people don’t realize how these little things taken together